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Rentapao River, (4254) Port Vila Vanuatu ,

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What an opportunity - Agritourism Potential

Explore the potential of this 'Agri-Resort' with an agriculture lease, spanning an expansive 16.45 hectares along the Rentapao River.

Partially developed and just a short 20-minute drive from Port Vila CBD, this old eco-property is a canvas waiting for the right owner to make the most of the opportunities it presents, whether that be agricultural or could also be changed to commercial for an ecofriendly resort, camping space, hobby farm wherever your imagination can take you around nature.

Benefiting from a robust water source from the river, the farm is set against a breathtaking backdrop. A section of the riverfront has undergone redevelopment, creating a welcoming space for visitors, with untapped potential for further revenue generation.

A significant portion of the property remains untouched, providing ample space for expansion and additional income streams. Imagine creating a stunning ecosystem with a hobby farm or beekeeping venture.

Discover more about this remarkable farm by reaching out to us.

VUV 200,000,000

ID# 11618124254

Land Area 16.45 ha

Michael Yan

Michael Yan
+678 7729015

Abi Pardoe

Abi Pardoe English
+678 7749478

The above information has been furnished to us by the vendor of each property. We have not verified whether or not that information is accurate and have no belief one way or another in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. all interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquires in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.