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Mangoes Resort Bure 29, (2038) Port Vila Vanuatu ,

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Island Lifestyle Made Easy

This is a beautiful bure located at one of Vanuatu's most prestigious resorts, Mangoes Resort.

Purchasing a property of this nature takes all the hassle of owning a holiday home in Vanuatu. These are lifestyle residences that offer the vendor complete flexibility. When you come to Vanuatu stay in your beautiful bure knowing that it is being well looked after and maintained throughout the year in the rental pool.

In true island style, the property enjoys lush tropical surrounds.

If you have been searching for an ideal tropical getaway, that also enables you to earn an income, this could be the property for you!

Get in touch with the team at First National Vanuatu to arrange an inspection and talk through this opportunity in full.

AUD 225,000

ID# 11618122038

Catherine Boudier-Contant

Catherine Boudier-Contant English French Vanuatu
+678 7773060

Abi Pardoe

Abi Pardoe English
+678 7749478

The above information has been furnished to us by the vendor of each property. We have not verified whether or not that information is accurate and have no belief one way or another in its accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility to any person for its accuracy and do no more than pass it on. all interested parties should make and rely upon their own enquires in order to determine whether or not this information is in fact accurate.